Graduation project Amber Ledegang
Iwan Pol
Happy Concrete ||

With Happy Conrete II the search for a softer and more gentle use of concrete continues.

In this sequel IWAN questioned how his tender concrete could be applied within the field of architecture.

Envisioning it as a tactile skin for buildings or an outdoor carpet these objects can be used in a modular fashion.
Esther Ruiz

Brooklyn-based artist Esther Ruiz creates symmetrical sculptures made with concrete, neon tubing and Plexiglas.

I love these materials being used together, but I also love that she seems to have created an industrial sunset or rainbow with the forms. Inspired by being surrounded by concrete in New York, she is also influenced by all she sees around her from the trinkets she collects to the materials she works with daily at a neon shop. Esther’s work just stood out to me as not only interesting, but inclusive of the “Nouveau Memphis” movement while equally separating herself from it through symmetry and materials.
Boek: Je lichaam aarden
gezond en energiek door contact met de aarde
Clinton Ober; Stephen T. Sinatra; Martin Zucker

"De grond onder je voeten is niet zomaar gras, zand, aarde of beton, maar een alomaanwezige bron van natuurlijke helende energie. Om gezond te blijven, zou je elke dag op blote voeten buiten moeten lopen. Door direct huidcontact met de aarde neem je de vrije elektronen van de aarde in je op. Deze elektronen helpen je ontstekingen - die de oorzaak zijn van veel ziekten - te voorkomen of te genezen.

Het directe contact via de huid met de aarde - earthing - is even belangrijk als zonlicht, lucht, voeding en water. Hierdoor vermindert (chronische) pijn, verbetert de slaap, verbetert het immuunsysteem, versnelt het helingsproces bij ziekte en vermindert stress."
Jason Seife

B. 1989 Jason Seife's work references old Persian carpets, an art form that in modern times is taken for granted. Carpets were a large part of his childhood growing up with immigrant parents of Middle Eastern descent. Jason recreates these old weavings by tediously painting them on canvas and other substrate in colors and mediums that were not normally used in their origin, presenting the pieces in a new and exciting way.

Paintings of carpets, with concrete.
Technieken om te gebruiken:

- textielbeton. afb. 1
afbeelding 1